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Outside the daily routine of his roles with athletics, Fowler has used his position to help others.  From 2002 to 2009, while at NC State University, he sponsored the Lee Fowler Charity Golf Classic to benefit Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).  During those seven years, Fowler raised over $160,000 for ALS.


During his time in Memphis, he was involved in the Downtown Development Board of Director's, the Memphis Symphony League Board of Directors, The Alzheimer Daycare Luncheon, & the Host of KIX 106 Country Music Radio station.


In Murfreesboro, he was the co-chair of the American Heart Association Jump Rope for Heart & the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.


In Raleigh, he sat on the NC State University Arts Board of Directors, the Executive advisory Committee for FCA'S Benchbackers.  

To see the complete list of community involvement, please download the attachment to the right.



Fowler is a native of Columbia, TN and has been married to his wife Carol for over 39 years. They have (3) three daughters and (4) four granddaughters and (1) grandson.

Left to Right: Ashley, Ansley, Lee, Carlee, Fowler, Harrison, Carol, Raleigh, Trevor



Lee pictured with his wife, Carol.


Left to Right: Nora Leigh, Adam, Evaleigh, Kristin

Success is clearly exhibited throughout the Fowler family.  His oldest daughter Ashley, is a Vaccine and Immune Therapies Business Manager with AstraZeneca.  Her husband Trevor, owns Starbrite Car wash and detail business in Murfreesboro, TN and they have two beautiful daughters Ansley (11) and Raleigh (13).   His middle daughter Kristin, owns her own brokerage firm, Mission to Close in Texas.  Her husband Adam is Vice President of E-Z-GO Golf Carts and they have two daughters together, Evaleigh (7) and Nora Leigh (3).  Carlee, his youngest, is an adjunct professor at Belmont University and runs a transaction-closing business.  Her husband Harrison is a Dentist at Roach Family Dental Care in Green Hills, Nashville and they have a son, Fowler (2).

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